Friday, November 5, 2010

getting slizzard..

This is my theme song right's a pretty bumpin' song. At first I wanted to make fun of the amount of sunglasses being worn inside of the dark club...but then i thought, no, this song is da jam and they are rockin' their sunnies like it's nobodies business. So I retract my 'hating'.  The main girl in the video, in the red dress, is smokin! She makes up for any faults in the video.  From start to finish this song makes me want to be out partying with my friends, not giving a french toast what anyone else thinks, just living it up with maybe a stop at McDonalds on the way home. You all know you want one of those nights in your life again, don't deny. So if you hate this song, keep listening to it, it will grow on you. If you already love, power up.

like a G6.

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